The Brief

CLICK-KIT is the world's first ever platform to combine the brands sport lovers know and trust, with their own personal style. CLICK-KIT sets out to develop a platform where fans can be in total control of design, colors, logos, and graphics of sports wear, for personal or competitive use. 

The Challenge

Although there are many eCommerce platforms out there that allow customizing sport wear products to a certain point, however most of them either overkilling for leisure sport lovers, or too limited for competitive scenarios, especially for competitive sport teams.

The Approach / Solution

Given the vision and discovery findings that sports users may purchase for individual use, or for entire team / sports club in an organized fashion, CLICK-KIT is designed to be easy to purchase as an individual item, or set it up as a standard team item for purchase by individual players, yet allow to deliver to an organized location.

The Result

The platform allows not only customizing for individual, but also convenient for teams to organize their uniform purchase. The extra "team shop" feature has gradually become the essential feature, and loved by 1000+ of registered members in even just the first week of launch. A completely outside-the-box redesign that strikes a good balance between functionality, flexibility and usability.